Learn about the construction technology based on the HONEYCOMB STRUCTURE and its excellent properties!
Our nature-inspired, patented technology enables quick and cheap construction of any structures, including perfectly insulated walls and passive houses.
The building is made of matched tongue-and-groove elements without the need to cut. The construction process is faster both in comparison to bricklaying technology and building with wood. HEXFRAMES TECHNOLOGY is a dry method, without the need for wet concrete works. A ready-made building can be erected within a dozen or even a few days.
The cost of construction is lower than in other technologies, due to the low consumption of materials, optimal construction (including no waste) and short construction time. If necessary, you can do some of the work yourself (e.g. insulating the walls) because it is very simple. High durability and resitance to fire ensoures lower insurance premiums.
The structural skeleton in HONEYCOMB TECHNOLOGY is made of high-quality concrete. It is very durable, resistant to fire, storms, pests, mold, fungi, does not absorb odors, water, etc. It will effectively protect you and your family against unfavorable weather conditions, including those resulting from climate change, now and in the future.
The wall design is simple and intuitive. HONEYCOMB TECHNOLOGY enables small constructions to be carried out in a do-it-yourself manner, without the use of a crane. Insulating walls using the “corking” method can also be done very quickly on your own.
The walls of the house are perfectly insulated. When the wall is insulated with a 20 cm polystyrene plug, a partition is created with a thermal transmittance of 0.12 kW/m2* (with a wall thickness of 35 cm!). Thanks to this, you save on heating / cooling bills and you gain additional space inside the house.
The building’s skeleton is approximately 60% air and 40% concrete. The use of steel in the structure is minimal. There is virtually no waste in the construction process. The resulting house is perfectly insulated. The construction generates minimal CO2 emissions. HEXFRAMES TECHNOLOGY fits into the definition of sustainable construction.
Insulation and cladding can be done in many ways. The fastest and easiest way to insulate your house is to use the “corking” method, available only in HEXFRAMES TECHNOLOGY. The façade can be finished in a traditional way, as in brick houses (thin-layer plaster) or like in frame houses (e.g. siding, etc.).
The skeleton divides the wall into equal holes that can be filled as desired. Depending on your needs, these may be insulating materials, ventilation, lighting, additional structure reinforcements, etc. The use of any fillings allows you to give the walls various properties. What’s more, you can change these wall properties at any time – which is impossible when building solid walls.
HONEYCOMB TECHNOLOGY has many applications, including: construction of sheds, garages, outbuildings, warehouses, walls with frames, etc. HEXFRAMES TECHNOLOGY can be freely and easily combined with traditional bricklaying technology as well as with the technology of building wooden frame houses.
Szkielet budynku to około 60% powierza oraz 40% betonu. Zużycie stali w konstrukcji jest minimalne. W procesie budowy praktycznie brak odpadów. Powstały dom jest doskonale izolowany. Budowa generuje minimalne emisje CO2. TECHNOLOGIA HEXFRAMS wpisuje się w definicję budownictwa zrównoważonego.
Izolację i elewację można być wykonać na wiele sposobów. Najszybciej i najprościej można ocieplić dom metodą „korkowania” dostępną tylko w TECHNOLOGII HEXFRAMES. Elewację można wykończyć w tradycyjny sposób tak jak w domach murowanych (tynk cienkowarstwowy) lub jak w domach szkieletowych (np. siding itp.).
Szkielet dzieli ścianę na równe otwory, które można dowolnie wypełnić. W zależności od potrzeb mogą to być materiały izolacyjne, wentylacyjne, doświetlenie, dodatkowe wzmocnienia konstrukcji itp. Stosowanie dowolnych wypełnień pozwala nadać ścianom różne właściwości. Co więcej – w dowolnym czasie możesz te właściwości ściany zmienić – co jest niemożliwe przy murowaniu ścian pełnych.
TECHNOLOGIA PLASTRA MIODU ma wiele zastosowań m.in: budowa wiat, garaży, konstrukcji przewiewnych, budynków gospodarczych, magazynów, ścian z luksferami itp.. TECHNOLOGIĘ HEXFRAMES można dowolnie i łatwo łączyć z tradycyjną technologią murowania jak również z technologią budowy domów szkieletowych z drewna.
*requirements for passive houses – 0.15 kW/m2, legal standard in Poland – 0.20 kW/m2.
We know how important your own living space is to you. HONEYCOMB TECHNOLOGY was created with this vision in mind.
We provide you with the tools to quickly create your ideal living space within the budget you have.
Our nature-inspired, patented technology is completely unique on a global scale. No other existing building method provides such convenient and flexible solutions, tailored to your needs, while protecting you against the negative effects of climate change now and in the future.
Make your dreams come true. Build your perfect house with HEXFRAMES TECHNOLOGY!
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The owner of the HEXFRAMES brand is:
Red Point Sp. z o.o.
NIP: PL 897-16-06-376
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The owner of the HEXFRAMES brand is:
Red Point Sp. z o.o.
NIP: PL 897-16-06-376
REGON: 932029574
KRS 0000136679
© 2024 HEXFRAMES, Red Point Sp. z o.o.